Many centuries ago pigeons were like messiah to the long distance lovers,letters were received after days and troubles use to arise when those letters ended up in wrong hands😆.
Now, we live in an era where that same blue bird conveys our thoughts not only to a single person on the other end but also to the whole world within a second!!
Dimension of distance is now changed from kilometres to seconds, isn't this beautiful?
The developers of whatsapp (Brain Acton and Jan Koum), Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg), Instagram (Kevin systrom and Mike krieger), Twitter (Jack Dorsey,Noah Glass,Biz stone and Evan Williams) or any other social media apps might have never imagined how big would be their contribution in making this world look soo small!!
It's all because of these social media apps we are now able to communicate and stay connected with our loved ones during tough times, especially at this COVID-19 pandemic stage.
But everything that is born comes with Pros and Cons and negligence runs through our veins, Thus we fail to understand the problems behind it which get underrated over positive effects!
According to a website Broadband, At present there are over 3.8 million social media users worldwide,which is more than half the world's population. On an average, a person spends almost 6 years and 8 months using social media choosing over other daily activities. Here is a chart depicting the average life time spent on some of the popular social media apps>>
That's a huge amount of time we invest on these social media accounts just scrolling down watching people showing up how happy they are,seriously are they??
Let's have a look on how we are carried away by other social media users!!
When was the last time you took a complete day break from your social media accounts??
Don't remember isn't it??
whenever that "Ting" sound arrives,we cannot resist that involuntary/ compulsive urge to check what's there inside isn't it??
Neurologists say that social media can be much more addictive than cigarettes or alcohol because it's much simple and free to access anytime.
Social media knows well how to play the game of dopamine!!
Just as how drug acts as a "pleasure reward" to the drug addict; likes,followers,mentions,
comments,retweets etc act as a "Pleasure reward" to the social media addict. whenever such notifications pops up on their device, their brain receives a rush of dopamine causing him/her to feel pleasure; hence, i call this a reward which keeps you engaged for hours without your awareness of passing time."THE POWER OF REWARD" pressures users to go greater lengths to get noticed by friends and followers. Social media makes user to crave for feedback and responses.
Social medias are not only creating addiction among large number of youth community but also providing platform to the exponential rise in many mental health issues too!!
Just when kiddos enter into the "HOT BLOOD" stage of their life i.e Teenage, There is an extreme rush of emotions. A weird craze to do unexplored things, teens usually feel things more intensely and thus experience more dramatic highs and lows.
It's common for adolescents to get a feeling of being in limelight among their peer groups but this goes wrong when one's self esteem depends on other's opinion or they start feeling uncomfortable when they are not the center of attraction and can go to any extent to be in spotlight.Then, these can be a perfect signs of 'HISTRIONIC PERSONALITY DISORDER'
At this stage person shows symptoms such as expressing excessive emotions, being proactive
and seeking an excessive amount of attention in ordinary social situations and social media can serve as a root for more of such traits.
I don't think ,I have to explain you what kind of DRAMA'S people adopt to get viral over night!
You know it well as a part of it?
Such is the rage among teenagers to get popularized, Achieve fame and be that "Dove" among the "Flock of crows"( GROUP OF CROWS IS ALSO CALLED AS MURDER, i never knew that. Isn't that Vague!?)But lets not forget with popularity you lose your sense of privacy, That feel of quality time with your loved ones is lost somewhere behind those flashes of light!! Now, Even if you wanna smile for no reason you need to have some documents signed by news channels that you are free to smile or else you will be on TV news channels with a breaking news which say so and so great personality was found smiling for no reason😂 Fun apart, I know few good souls who deserve to be popular but yet live in absolute anonymity and are leading their life if peace. It's not always about being popular, It's about how much happy or contented you are with your work!!
If you are happy, You do stuffs with great love and perfection and automatically people will like your work; Then you don't have to be craving for likes anymore, simple!!
Speaking about GRANDIOSE, you can see such people most of the time on your feeds who show off themselves!! I don't think i say should something more after this video.
There is no doubt that social media has provided us an invaluable link to new people and information that has allowed us to form communities, open people's eye and minds to new ideas and give a platform to those whose voices previously were seldom heard.
But don't you think there is a fine difference between communicating and feeling connected?
Why is that most of us feel comfortable masking behind those invisible,virtual screen and text rather than communicating in face-to-face?
As we scroll down through artfully curated images, we develop an attitude of "COMPARE & DESPAIR" I know many of you might have reacted "Wish i had those things!", "Wish i was like him/her!","Wish i had a body like him/her" and all other wishes( So did i!). When you realize that your wish will only remain as a wish,you get disappointed!
Especially this type of attitude is more in girls, they are soo hyper conscious about their "FIGURES"( I am not an exception though 😂) Dr. Hamlet from child mind institute says" Many girls are bombarded with their friends posting the most perfect pictures of themselves or they're following celebrities and influencers who do a lot of Photo shopping and have makeup and hair teams;If it's their model for what is normal, It can be very hard on their self confidence."
Whenever we see someone who is much thinner,taller,smarter or with some etc qualities;
Aren't we doubting our own self?? (If taken positively that becomes source for great transformation)It's not their mistake unless they are overly showing themselves up.Our main focus should be on how we create image of ourselves in our own mind rather than in others.
'Comparing with others' kind of attitude is implanted within us when we were toddlers and we are helpless,but what's wrong in making an effort to change it?
Honestly ask yourself, Did comparison ever gave you that sense of satisfaction you need? The more you do, more you are dissatisfied!isn't it?
If you still wanna compare, Do compare with yourself and watch how much better are you than before.
Comparison can only serve you with low self esteem and making us more anxious,depressed and worried about our body image.
There is an other thing you come across almost involuntarily while using social media is FOMO- Fear Of Missing Out! FOMO is that niggling anxiety that arises when you feel that something exciting or interesting is happening elsewhere while you're at home sitting idle or stuck with your work. It's that sour feeling you get in your stomach when you are on Facebook and see a picture of your friends enjoying their trip to your favorite holiday destination. It's the envy you feel when a colleague texts you a picture of herself at a grand party or concert with a parting line: "Wish you were here". I can frame FOMO being the satisfying answer why most of us are on social media accounts. We don't want to stand out of crowd, That's the simple concept behind. Consequences, perhaps you must know well!!
According to a study from Pew Research center , In total 95% are connected to internet and about 85% are social media users. In some respects this is good, It means more and more kids are gaining access to the knowledge and information available on internet.
However, it also increases their exposure to potentially harmful interactions specifically cyber bullying.
1 in every 10 adolescents in India experience cyber bullying and half of them don't know they are being bullied. India ranks 3rd world wide for cyber bullying cases.
Bullying someone on the internet can take place through various methods.Some methods of cyber bullying can be simplest of all that is, sending text messages, or e-mails or instant message to someone who has already expressed his intention of not keeping any contact with sender. Other methods can be threat,gaming up on victim,defaming,sexual remarks,posting rumors, hate speech, making an online forum against the victim etc. Some other method can include impersonation, making fake accounts,posting on social media and in video games,portraying or abusing someone.
Public figures are more prone to this cyber bullying, One single mistake and you they are doomed!!(You still wanna be famous?). For a better understanding i would recommend you a show from MTV which was broadcasted long back called as "TROLL POLICE" If you know this earlier its well and good.
Instagram is the most widely used platform for cyber bullying with almost 42% shares.
Sometimes haters spew their venom all over in order to spoil their fellow rival's image and we enjoy as they entertain us without having the proper knowledge of any occurrence.
It's was soo surprising to me,when i see trollers saying that "It's Just for fun yaar" and even more when they say" defaming others gives them a sense of happiness" very strange and awful at the same time. People are becoming more sadist and social media is serving best to their narcissist behavior( This is a vast topic, you can expect more about this in my future posts).
There was a small instance i would to share which happened with me;
I run a page on Instagram named Brainy kitchen, Where i just share stuffs which i find interesting( Because i was kind of bored maybe). So there was a guy (Name: sorry, i can't disclose it sir) who started sending me messages for no reason saying that my page is worst and i am not worth of achieving success, even with some abusive words. It was when i haven't revealed my identity, I knew that person well. Then somehow he got to know who i'm and it was soo cunningly nice part of him that he apologized for his mistake. When i asked him the reason for forming such prejudices, He said he was frustrated!! That just freaked me out for moment.
seriously, like how can someone be soo annoying and foolish at the same time? This is how people take wrong advantage of the anonymity provided by the social media platforms and let their frustration out on a complete stranger who has no fault!
Cyber demons target more on girls trolling about their body types, making them more depressed and finally ending up their own life is the only option left to them!!
You may just start something for fun,but you never know how it feels to be on their place and see their 'everything' getting tore into pieces. You never know, you are not only ruining that one person's life but also of people who are connected with them. You may now think what one comment can do to them? remember your one comment triggers the person reading it to do the same and that person does the same with others! Be careful and selective with whatever you speak or act on social media accounts because your screens are just virtual and not impossible to reach! soo think well and act well!!
Social media also has a good amount of contribution in making a disturbed sleep cycle!!( mostly for those mid night love birds :p) and what to say about fake news!! It's a hub for many, check your family groups for more information!! by the way not everything is fake ;)
In this era of digitization it's completely impossible for someone to drop out social media and i won't prefer that too, on a brighter side it has served us with immense knowledge and enabled us to grow simultaneously as the world did.
What we can do is limit the use of it and rather try to live in the present and devotee completely yourself to that.
Develop your neuron connections by trying out new stuffs!
Next time when you hang around with your friends take some moment to seek inside them, don't hesitate to ask "how are you?" Talk to them of your good old days and bring those precious smile on their face rather than bringing those emoji wala smile( Irony is such that we never know that person is actually smiling or not).
Seek that best friend around you to share your deepest sorrows or moments of happiness rather than that online wala friend whom you prefer to share everything without hesitation and never realizing that one day when he/she is bored from you will leave your message unread!!
Next time when you are in a family gathering make your bonds stronger rather than making your gallery stronger with pictures which you clicked all around without actually living that aura!
Next time when you are in a restaurant rather than showing off how perfect and tasty dishes you are having try to feel its delicious flavor inside!! It's not that taking pictures is wrong, you need a medium to relive those moments again. But just think when your kids/grandchildren ask you something particular about the best day you lived in your life and you remember only posing for your pictures! very unfortunate isn't it? ( congrats, you are multi talented if you can do both simultaneously)
Come out of your touchscreen cage, and see life is soo beautiful unless you learn the art of real communication over artificial one!
My ultimate aim was to teach the beauty of living the moment and make you realize that HUMAN TO HUMAN CONNECTION IS THE BEST and no matter what virtuality cannot replace reality.
Here is a beautiful poetry work done by my friend Tejaswini raj.
The virtual society
At the drop of a hat,
I'll say about an uncanny boon;
Tasting the world through figures
About to become a bane very soon.
It's a blessing in disguise,
Not less than a twin of any drug;
Can be medicine or addiction.
Choice is yours,Be a scout or thug.
This ain't the last straw,
The best medium to shower mutual love;
Why bully through comments.
When you can erase their fear right now.
Evolving from stamps to streaks,
Emotions conveyed as emoji's & virtual hi-five;
You are missing something here,
Hold hands and pretend like it's 1995!.
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